Monday, May 18, 2009

I am not stalking Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor WON!! YAYYYY! So I emailled his assistant a congratulatory note, and OMG, the man himself replied to me!

Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 10:46:57 -0400
Subject: Re: Congratulations!

Dear Ms. Ejaz,

Dr. Tharoor has asked me to forward to you the following note.

-Mrinalini Menon

Dear Khadija,

Thanks so much! I am truly humbled by the extraordinary level of trust the voters of Thiruvananthapuram have placed in me, and I am conscious that now is when the real work begins...

With gratitude for your good wishes and support, and hoping it will continue to sustain me over the next five years!

Shashi Tharoor


Komal-Nishka said...

Brilliant.. it's men like these who listen and respond to each and every individual, no matter how small or big they are, that make them true leaders..

Khadija Ejaz said...

Tell me about it! The last time I'd emailled his assistant was after I'd read a book of his I liked. He responded through her in 24 hours, but this time round, he actually sent me a personal note! He's got my vote for-ever! :)